Special Projects

Google office wall design by Umasqu

Modern Design, Unique Art

Tzachi Nevo, the designer and spirit behind the Umasqu brand, has created a world of familiar images, disassembled, and reconstructed to create a unique design language – which is Umasqu.
This unique, vivid, humoristic language, has drawn the attention of leading local and international brands, asking to create customized items – from customized designs, to capsule collection, to other forms of collaborations.

You can choose a unique wall mask, a set of figurines or a digital gift card and be sure that whoever receives this gift, will be truly delighted!

Companies & Brands 

Among these clients who have entrusted us with their projects, one can find Google, WeWork, Apple, eBay, Gallery Lafayette, Centre Pompidou, Louis Vuitton, CitizenM and many others.

Itunes icon design - Umasqu
Design for Waze - Umasqu

Your Next Project

Tzachi Nevo, along with the experienced design team and in-house production specialists, are well equipped to help create fully customized projects for your hotel, retail venue, office, lobby, apartment and all other commercial or industrial spaces.

Please contact us to set a call where we can further discuss bringing Umasqu’s added value to your next project.

Special projects - Umasqu